folk rituals and customs in literature.
I. Literature entity:
first Jan Kochanowski, [online], available 09/01/2010, available on the internet:
second Orzeszkowa Eliza, over the Niemen, New York: Greg Edition, 2004, ISBN 83-7327-231-3
third Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont, Peasants, London: Greg edition, 2006, ISBN: 83-7337-224-0
4th Adam Mickiewicz, Forefathers' Eve, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7623-253-9
5th Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz, New York: Edition Ibis, 2008, ISBN 978-83-612-3768-6
II. Literature:
first Kosiek Thomas Nawrot Alice, violinist Luke Sętkowska-Steczek Gabriel, Dictionary of literary themes, New York: Edition University Press, 2005,-str. 12-15, ISBN 837-92-11-722
second Ogrodowska Barbara, customs, rituals and traditions in Poland, Krakow: Verbinum Edition, 2007, p. 1955-1964, ISBN 83-7192-128-4
3 . Chwalba Andrew Manners in Poland, London: Arcana Edition, 2004, p. 27 -41, ISBN 83-01-14253-7
III. Framework plan of events: first
* clarify concepts and to familiarize - rites and customs
; * breakdown rites
second The order of presentation of arguments
* Staropolskie hunting rituals and customs of the national epic of Adam Mickiewicz - Pan Tadeusz ".
Weddings, baptisms, and funerals oczepiny, or ordinances as shown in the book "Peasants" Reymont
; * traditions, customs, rituals and worship at work, epopeji - "Over the Niemen" E. Orzeszkowej
* rites honoring ancestors "Forefathers' Eve" A. Mickiewicz
* Pagan festival in the song "Song for St. John Sobotka," Jan Kochanowski
* Comparison of literary vision with the real world
3. Conclusions: The importance of the issues
* custom and rite
* mysterious meaning a stimulus to learning history
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
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Image PRL in literature and film. Investigate the problem by analyzing and comparing the selected examples. Present
I. Literature entity:
first Przyboś Julian, [online], access 30.08.2011, available online:
Wazyk second Adam, Song of coca-cola, [in:] Nailed to Truman. Selection of satirical poems, Warsaw, 1952
third Stanislaw Bareja, Bear, [film], Warsaw, 1981
fourth Marek Piwowszki, Cruise, [film], Warsaw, 1970
II . Literature:
first Koziczyński Bart, 333 popkultowe things ... PRL, New York: Edition Vesper, 2008, p. 95-112, ISBN 978-83-60159-64-4
2nd Grodno Stefania Bows the PRL, New York: Oxford University Press edition lamplighter, p. 1923-1951, ISBN 978-83-60000-26-7
third Prasek Cezary, Golden Youth PRL, Warsaw: Bellona Edition, 2010, 2008 p. 64 - 69, ISBN: 978-83-11117-86-0
fourth Wieslaw Kot, PRL from the kitchen, New York: Olympus Media Edition, 2009, p. 1912-1940, ISBN:
; 978-83-615-1357-5
III. The framework plan statements: ; ;
first term problem
a) the presentation time of PRL
b) illustrate the problem of censorship
c) to present selected content
second The order of the arguments presented:
a) Julian Przyboś "The workers'
- promoting and defending the people, the workers
- invalid entity
b) Adam Wazyk" Song of the coca-cola "
- attitude PRL
the west - the symbolism of the drink coca cola
c) PRL in the film Vision
d) Stanislaw Bareja "Bear"
- a parody of the era of PRL
- the absurdities of everyday life:
- lack of basic products in stores
- bribes, no matter where the office could not be resolved
e) Marek Piwowski "Voyage"
- a caricature of reality
- discussion of scenes from the movie
third Conclusions:
- musical-literary vision with the reality of the film
IV Resources:
- excerpts from films
I. Literature entity:
first Przyboś Julian, [online], access 30.08.2011, available online:
Wazyk second Adam, Song of coca-cola, [in:] Nailed to Truman. Selection of satirical poems, Warsaw, 1952
third Stanislaw Bareja, Bear, [film], Warsaw, 1981
fourth Marek Piwowszki, Cruise, [film], Warsaw, 1970
II . Literature:
first Koziczyński Bart, 333 popkultowe things ... PRL, New York: Edition Vesper, 2008, p. 95-112, ISBN 978-83-60159-64-4
2nd Grodno Stefania Bows the PRL, New York: Oxford University Press edition lamplighter, p. 1923-1951, ISBN 978-83-60000-26-7
third Prasek Cezary, Golden Youth PRL, Warsaw: Bellona Edition, 2010, 2008 p. 64 - 69, ISBN: 978-83-11117-86-0
fourth Wieslaw Kot, PRL from the kitchen, New York: Olympus Media Edition, 2009, p. 1912-1940, ISBN:
; 978-83-615-1357-5
III. The framework plan statements: ; ;
first term problem
a) the presentation time of PRL
b) illustrate the problem of censorship
c) to present selected content
second The order of the arguments presented:
a) Julian Przyboś "The workers'
- promoting and defending the people, the workers
- invalid entity
b) Adam Wazyk" Song of the coca-cola "
- attitude PRL
the west - the symbolism of the drink coca cola
c) PRL in the film Vision
d) Stanislaw Bareja "Bear"
- a parody of the era of PRL
- the absurdities of everyday life:
- lack of basic products in stores
- bribes, no matter where the office could not be resolved
e) Marek Piwowski "Voyage"
- a caricature of reality
- discussion of scenes from the movie
third Conclusions:
- musical-literary vision with the reality of the film
IV Resources:
- excerpts from films
Sunday, August 29, 2010
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various images of God in selected literary works from different eras. Image
And Literature entity:
1) Jan Kochanowski, What do you want from us, O Lord, [online], available 29/08/2011, available on the internet:
2) Jan Kochanowski, Tren VIII, X, Tren, Tren XIX [in:] Lamentations, New York: Edition Ossolineum, 1999, ISBN 83-040-4379-3
3) Sarzyński Vulture Claus, Sonnets, [online], available 29.08. 2011, available online:
4) Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust, New York: Greg Edition, 2008, ISBN 978-83-7517 - 120-4
5) Adam Mickiewicz, Forefathers' Eve part. III, New York: Greg Edition, 2002, ISBN 837-32-73-522
6) Slovak Jules, Genesis, the spirit, New York: Script Issue, 2001, ISBN 83-7327-231-3
II Literature course:
1) Joseph Heller, God knows, New York: Albatros Edition, 2005, str.205-209, ISBN 83-7359-211-3
2) Korolko Miroslaw, if God no, New York: Edition University Press, 1985, p. 1943-1945
3) Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980, p. 4-22
III Framework for events:
1) Thesis:
a) to clarify and bring the concept - God
2) The order of presentation of arguments:
3) type of praise glorifying God through his works - the world depicted in the hymn, "What do you want from us, O Lord"
4) The set of questions about truth carried by the religion, the essence of the decisions taken by God, suffering and pain of losing a child through a rebellion against God, to sedation and reconcile with the fate depicted in the "Trenach" J. Kochanowski
5) God is the source of solace, escape from a hostile world, defending the pain and anxiety in the "Sonnets" Vulture Sarzyńskiego
6) Unmet expectations Konrad - from God's enabling power happiness of mankind
7) ; man representative of spiritual community, and as the spirit becomes equal to God, in a deep, even mystical terms, he is God - Genesis
8) God of the Enlightenment, nature and genius, believing implicitly in man, in "Faust
9 ) Comparison of the literary vision of reality.
10) Conclusion:
a) the importance of the figure of God to humanity
b) the mysterious meaning a stimulus to learning history
And Literature entity:
1) Jan Kochanowski, What do you want from us, O Lord, [online], available 29/08/2011, available on the internet:
2) Jan Kochanowski, Tren VIII, X, Tren, Tren XIX [in:] Lamentations, New York: Edition Ossolineum, 1999, ISBN 83-040-4379-3
3) Sarzyński Vulture Claus, Sonnets, [online], available 29.08. 2011, available online:
4) Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust, New York: Greg Edition, 2008, ISBN 978-83-7517 - 120-4
5) Adam Mickiewicz, Forefathers' Eve part. III, New York: Greg Edition, 2002, ISBN 837-32-73-522
6) Slovak Jules, Genesis, the spirit, New York: Script Issue, 2001, ISBN 83-7327-231-3
II Literature course:
1) Joseph Heller, God knows, New York: Albatros Edition, 2005, str.205-209, ISBN 83-7359-211-3
2) Korolko Miroslaw, if God no, New York: Edition University Press, 1985, p. 1943-1945
3) Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980, p. 4-22
III Framework for events:
1) Thesis:
a) to clarify and bring the concept - God
2) The order of presentation of arguments:
3) type of praise glorifying God through his works - the world depicted in the hymn, "What do you want from us, O Lord"
4) The set of questions about truth carried by the religion, the essence of the decisions taken by God, suffering and pain of losing a child through a rebellion against God, to sedation and reconcile with the fate depicted in the "Trenach" J. Kochanowski
5) God is the source of solace, escape from a hostile world, defending the pain and anxiety in the "Sonnets" Vulture Sarzyńskiego
6) Unmet expectations Konrad - from God's enabling power happiness of mankind
7) ; man representative of spiritual community, and as the spirit becomes equal to God, in a deep, even mystical terms, he is God - Genesis
8) God of the Enlightenment, nature and genius, believing implicitly in man, in "Faust
9 ) Comparison of the literary vision of reality.
10) Conclusion:
a) the importance of the figure of God to humanity
b) the mysterious meaning a stimulus to learning history
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Uterus Mucus Cramping
worlds in literature. Present and interpret examples of songs from different eras. Show
and Literature subject:
1) Bible - Old and New Testaments (selected excerpts)
2) Jan Kochanowski, Laments, New York: Edition Ossolineum, 2009, ISBN: 978-83-04 - 04393-0
3) Adam Mickiewicz, Forefathers' Eve part. III, London: Greg edition, 2009, ISBN: 83-7327-863-X
4) Adam Mickiewicz, Romance, available online:
5) William Shakespeare, Macbeth , Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-83-7435-589-6
6) Ignacy Witkiewicz, in a small manor house, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2003, ISBN: 83-7389-436-5
7) Stanislaw Wyspianski, wedding, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-83-7435-640-4
II Literature course:
1) Neville Randall, Life after death , London: Studio Edition emka, 2005, str.164-172, ISBN: 83-85881-35-2
2) Jacek Falkowski, spirits, ghosts, Warsaw, Poland: Rebis Publishing House edition, 1999, p. 1920-1928, ISBN: 567-54526-098-2
3) Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980, p. 4-22
III Framework for events:
1) Thesis:
a ) to clarify and bring the concepts - a nightmare, a dream
2) The order of presentation of arguments:
3) Ghosts, incubus, or supernatural phenomena presented in the Bible
4) sleepy nightmare of dead mother Urszulka daughter in his arms, in the nineteenth threnody J. Kochanowski
6) Nightmares - "bloody visions on the vision of 'Macbeth state punishment for the evil that they did, in" Macbeth "by W. Shakespeare
7) Chat Karusia unsustainable, with his dead lover, whom he sees every night in a dream, the ballad "romance" A. Mickiewicz
8) The appearance of the poet Zawisza the Black Knight in "The Wedding" Wyspiański
9) Absurd Drama and imagination, the spirit of them normally, and drink alcohol in the "little mansion" I. Witkiewicz
9) Comparison of the literary vision of reality.
10) Conclusion:
a) the meaning of the words: ghost, spirit, dream
b) the mysterious meaning a stimulus to learning history
and Literature subject:
1) Bible - Old and New Testaments (selected excerpts)
2) Jan Kochanowski, Laments, New York: Edition Ossolineum, 2009, ISBN: 978-83-04 - 04393-0
3) Adam Mickiewicz, Forefathers' Eve part. III, London: Greg edition, 2009, ISBN: 83-7327-863-X
4) Adam Mickiewicz, Romance, available online:
5) William Shakespeare, Macbeth , Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-83-7435-589-6
6) Ignacy Witkiewicz, in a small manor house, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2003, ISBN: 83-7389-436-5
7) Stanislaw Wyspianski, wedding, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-83-7435-640-4
II Literature course:
1) Neville Randall, Life after death , London: Studio Edition emka, 2005, str.164-172, ISBN: 83-85881-35-2
2) Jacek Falkowski, spirits, ghosts, Warsaw, Poland: Rebis Publishing House edition, 1999, p. 1920-1928, ISBN: 567-54526-098-2
3) Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980, p. 4-22
III Framework for events:
1) Thesis:
a ) to clarify and bring the concepts - a nightmare, a dream
2) The order of presentation of arguments:
3) Ghosts, incubus, or supernatural phenomena presented in the Bible
4) sleepy nightmare of dead mother Urszulka daughter in his arms, in the nineteenth threnody J. Kochanowski
6) Nightmares - "bloody visions on the vision of 'Macbeth state punishment for the evil that they did, in" Macbeth "by W. Shakespeare
7) Chat Karusia unsustainable, with his dead lover, whom he sees every night in a dream, the ballad "romance" A. Mickiewicz
8) The appearance of the poet Zawisza the Black Knight in "The Wedding" Wyspiański
9) Absurd Drama and imagination, the spirit of them normally, and drink alcohol in the "little mansion" I. Witkiewicz
9) Comparison of the literary vision of reality.
10) Conclusion:
a) the meaning of the words: ghost, spirit, dream
b) the mysterious meaning a stimulus to learning history
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creative individuality as a poet Wislawa Szymborska contemporary.
I. Literature entity:
first Szymborska Wislawa, The end of the age, available online: Wislawa Szymborska
second, joy of writing, available online: .pl/site/itm_37421_radosc_pisania.html
Wislawa Szymborska third, Rehabilitation, available online:
II. Literature:
first Bialek Margaret, How to analyze and interpret poems?, New York: Edition Telbit, 2007, 103-132, ISBN 83-60848-11-1
second Nosowska Dorothy, motives Dictionary literary, Bielsko-Biala: Park Edition, 2005, p. 519-623, ISBN 978-83-7446-894-7
third Wislawa Szymborska, Poems Bookcase studies 50, Concord: biblios Edition, 2009, p. 15 -29, 1932-1939, ISBN 97-883-86-5816-10
fourth Ernst Mach, The analysis of sensations, Warsaw: OWN Edition, 2009, p. 1962-1968, ISBN 97-883-011-6175-0
III. Framework plan of expression: the first argument
- discussing concepts of individuality,
creator - describe the types of poems
second Presenting arguments:
- Unique questions and reflections of the author Wislawa Szymborska in a row " The decadence of the age "
- Creating your own innovative world - the magical power of words in the song" The joy of writing "
- Reflections on the passing of the poem" Rehabilitation "
third Conclusions:
- the importance of the author and his works in the modern world
- quotations from the poems: "The end of the age," "Joy of Writing", "Rehabilitation" Wislawa Szymborska
I. Literature entity:
first Szymborska Wislawa, The end of the age, available online: Wislawa Szymborska
second, joy of writing, available online: .pl/site/itm_37421_radosc_pisania.html
Wislawa Szymborska third, Rehabilitation, available online:
II. Literature:
first Bialek Margaret, How to analyze and interpret poems?, New York: Edition Telbit, 2007, 103-132, ISBN 83-60848-11-1
second Nosowska Dorothy, motives Dictionary literary, Bielsko-Biala: Park Edition, 2005, p. 519-623, ISBN 978-83-7446-894-7
third Wislawa Szymborska, Poems Bookcase studies 50, Concord: biblios Edition, 2009, p. 15 -29, 1932-1939, ISBN 97-883-86-5816-10
fourth Ernst Mach, The analysis of sensations, Warsaw: OWN Edition, 2009, p. 1962-1968, ISBN 97-883-011-6175-0
III. Framework plan of expression: the first argument
- discussing concepts of individuality,
creator - describe the types of poems
second Presenting arguments:
- Unique questions and reflections of the author Wislawa Szymborska in a row " The decadence of the age "
- Creating your own innovative world - the magical power of words in the song" The joy of writing "
- Reflections on the passing of the poem" Rehabilitation "
third Conclusions:
- the importance of the author and his works in the modern world
- quotations from the poems: "The end of the age," "Joy of Writing", "Rehabilitation" Wislawa Szymborska
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Why Do Veins Get Darker
influence of money in the lives of literary characters. Analyze the problem in examples.
material also known under the titles:
- "Money tool good and evil. Discuss its role in human life in selected literary works of different periods,
- "Theme of money in the literature and its functions in the works of different eras."
material also known under the titles:
- "Money tool good and evil. Discuss its role in human life in selected literary works of different periods,
- "Theme of money in the literature and its functions in the works of different eras."
- Subjective Literature:
- Molière, The Miser, New York: Green Owl Edition, 2008, ISBN 97-8837-43-5669-5
- Slovak Julius Kordian, New York: Owl Zilona, \u200b\u200b2007, ISBN 837-43-5118-7
- Balzac Honore, Father Goriot, New York: Edition Zilona Sowa, 2007, ISBN 98-374-35-295-7 Wladyslaw Reymont
- , Promised Land, New York: Owl Zilona Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7623-071-9 Boleslaw Prus
- , returning wave, New York: Issue SA, 2000, ISBN 83-1940-596-0
- Literature question:
- penny Stanislaw, Banking and Financial market base, New York: Difin Edition, 2003, p. 111-112, ISBN: 83-7251-392-9
- Maciej Mycielski, poverty and wealth in Polish culture and consciousness, New York: Edition University Press, 2005, p. 1967-1969, ISBN 83-229-2617-0
- Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980 , p. 4-22
- Framework for expression:
- Thesis: a) to clarify issues - money
- Presenting arguments:
a) greed and the desire to profit woes cause bahatera daughters in literature Olier - "The Miser"
b) the love of money Wioletta to Kordian
c) excessive generosity of the main causes of bankruptcy bahatera
d) Absolute struggle for money Reymona shown in the song - "Earth to run"
e) to acquire wealth at the expense of the exploitation of their hero pracowaników in "returning wave"
- Conclusions:
a) the importance and value of money in the literary world
b) the mysterious meaning - an incentive to learn about the history of
- Card with quotes
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Why Does My Bf And His Friends Touch My Boobs
Returns to childhood. Discuss the problem, analyzing features of this theme in the examples.
entity Literature I. :
first Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2005, ISBN 83-7389-574-4
second Bruno Schulz, Cinnamon Shops, Lublin: biblios Edition, 2007, ISBN 978-83-86581-65-8
third Czeslaw Milosz, The Issa Valley, New York: Literary Publisher Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-83-08-04370-7
II. Literature:
first Lidia Drabik, Elżbieta Sobol, Academy of Polish Language OWN a Dictionary of Polish Language, New York: John Wiley & Sons edition, 2007, p. 50-59, ISBN 978-83-01-15920-7
second Ogrodowska Barbara, Polish rites and customs, New York: Edition University Press, 2005, p. 13 - 25, ISBN 83-229 - 2617-0
third Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980, p. 1919-1952
III. The framework plan statements:
first Thesis:
a) to clarify issues - Arcadia
second Presenting arguments:
a) Display Soplicowo as an asylum of security and order by the immigrant, "Pan Tadeusz" by A. Sienkiewicz
b) Heat, the harmony of the family home presented in the song "Cinnamon Shops"
c) Memories exile Czeslaw Milosz, of Arcadia, in full lyrical novel The Issa Valley
third Conclusions:
a) the meaning of Arcadia
b) the mysterious meaning - the key to learning history
entity Literature I. :
first Adam Mickiewicz, Pan Tadeusz, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2005, ISBN 83-7389-574-4
second Bruno Schulz, Cinnamon Shops, Lublin: biblios Edition, 2007, ISBN 978-83-86581-65-8
third Czeslaw Milosz, The Issa Valley, New York: Literary Publisher Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-83-08-04370-7
II. Literature:
first Lidia Drabik, Elżbieta Sobol, Academy of Polish Language OWN a Dictionary of Polish Language, New York: John Wiley & Sons edition, 2007, p. 50-59, ISBN 978-83-01-15920-7
second Ogrodowska Barbara, Polish rites and customs, New York: Edition University Press, 2005, p. 13 - 25, ISBN 83-229 - 2617-0
third Kopalinski Wladyslaw, Dictionary of Symbols, London: Arcana Edition, 1980, p. 1919-1952
III. The framework plan statements:
first Thesis:
a) to clarify issues - Arcadia
second Presenting arguments:
a) Display Soplicowo as an asylum of security and order by the immigrant, "Pan Tadeusz" by A. Sienkiewicz
b) Heat, the harmony of the family home presented in the song "Cinnamon Shops"
c) Memories exile Czeslaw Milosz, of Arcadia, in full lyrical novel The Issa Valley
third Conclusions:
a) the meaning of Arcadia
b) the mysterious meaning - the key to learning history
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fasting For Blood Test Tea
Golden Kiss decoupage / Golden Kiss of Decoupage
Due to the fact that now the time does not allow me to create, I'll show you a few old things. Necklace of felt and wooden beads, which sprezentowałam Madzi and my first measure of decoupage - boxes of tea from the motives of the Klimt paintings.
In "The Golden Kiss' theme is a continuation of gold dots on a black background on the sides and golden interior with a repetition of the theme on the underside of the lid, where the gold backing he gave a completely different effect than a warm yellow color pattern on the top. I think that for the first time, came out not too bad, besides the two quickly found new homes.
Due to the fact that now the time does not allow me to create, I'll show you a few old things. Necklace of felt and wooden beads, which sprezentowałam Madzi and my first measure of decoupage - boxes of tea from the motives of the Klimt paintings.

Diablo photo

Diablo photo

Diablo photo

photo crazy.morgana

photo crazy.morgana

photo crazy.morgana
In "The Golden Kiss' theme is a continuation of gold dots on a black background on the sides and golden interior with a repetition of the theme on the underside of the lid, where the gold backing he gave a completely different effect than a warm yellow color pattern on the top. I think that for the first time, came out not too bad, besides the two quickly found new homes.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Really Small Dots On Gums
Castle Party
just got back from Castle Party. It was brilliant, although the black carnival at Bolkow Castle came to an end sooner than I thought and here I returned to the humdrum reality.
also come with thoughts after recent training. It was the coaching - great workshop, very inspiring. I tuned incredibly positive connection with the vision of my dreams and then surprising discovery of how little separates me from this state.
I'm not looking to what limits me, but what I'm looking opens.
am convinced more and more like a huge driving force is optimistic attitude to life.
" Everything is a dream, because anything is possible "
(Lama Ole Nydahl)
just got back from Castle Party. It was brilliant, although the black carnival at Bolkow Castle came to an end sooner than I thought and here I returned to the humdrum reality.
also come with thoughts after recent training. It was the coaching - great workshop, very inspiring. I tuned incredibly positive connection with the vision of my dreams and then surprising discovery of how little separates me from this state.
I'm not looking to what limits me, but what I'm looking opens.
am convinced more and more like a huge driving force is optimistic attitude to life.
" Everything is a dream, because anything is possible "
(Lama Ole Nydahl)
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