Analyzing selected literary works, show the different meanings of the theme of separation. Different ways of creating I. Literature
entity: first Bedier Joseph, History of Tristan and Isolde, ed. The book and Knowledge, Warsaw 1987 by Tadeusz Borowski
second, Farewell to Maria, ed. Kama, Warsaw 1994
third Hlasko Mark, lovely girl Cooperative Publishing "reader", Warsaw 1956
Parandowski 4th Jan, The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, ed. Pulse, London 1992
fifth Shakespeare William, Romeo and Juliet, ed. Green Owl, Kraków 2000
II. Literature Course: first lexicon of heroes Literary, edited by Marian Kisiel and Mark ask, ed. Videograf, Katowice 1995, password: Eurydice, Isolde the Fair, Julia, Orpheus, Romeo, Tadeusz (Teddy), Tristan
second dictionary of literary motifs, ed. Greg, Kraków 2004, password: Parting
III. Framework for expression: first term of the problem: a. Different
recognition motif in the literature (farewell to the beloved, family ...)
b. Narrowing the topic to breakups couples
c. The purpose of the presentation is to describe the heroes of breakups, the role of these separations for the problems of the entire piece
second order of your content:
a. "History of Tristan and Isolde"
- a brief summary of
- difficult parting of lovers, a man dies, knowing that my love does not come to him to relieve him his views in the last moments of his life - Isolde captures the soul in the embrace of the beloved
b. "Farewell to Maria,"
- a brief summary of
- without a parting gesture, words, a man watching his beloved departing to a concentration camp
c. "The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice"
- a brief summary of
- sudden parting, cruel for a married couple (Eurydice die from snake bites)
- Orpheus' journey to the underworld after his beloved proof of his boundless love
- extremely sad Orpheus after a failed attempt to recover the tragic death of his wife and music
d. "Romeo and Juliet"
- a brief summary of the drama
- permanent separation of lovers, families by the conflict because they could not be officially together
- after many rozstaniach and returns comes to the final separation - as a result of unexplained conspiracy lovers take their own lives
e. "Homeless People"
- a brief summary of
- separation initiated by Judyma, who devotes happiness with his beloved Joasia for higher ideas (the fight against poverty, the injustice of innocent people)
third Conclusions: a.
theme of separation is not the primary theme song is interwoven with other motives
b. breakups scenes play a big role in the literature (faster action, give a sad mood, zakańczają effectively tracks ...)
c. Theme separation leads to an existential reflection
d. A. Overview of the words of Schopenhauer: "Every goodbye is something of the death, every reunion thing with the resurrection