Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ways To Determine The Wattage Of A Light/ Fixture

how to write a presentation of the final award of the Polish language

Each presentation is a final award challenge. Whatever the theme or topic you have chosen to write a good job, you have to stick to some basic principles . If you read them you will continue to have problems to write to us. We will give you individual advice, and as it takes to help you greater extent.

first Choose a topic from head

choice of theme is the first and one of the most important things. You can choose between topics related to literature and language, for example. There are no rules which Themes are easier, harder or more interesting. For each topic should be approached individually . There is some belief that the issues related to language are more difficult but interesting. This follows from the fact that (depending on the theme), these issues require you to specialized knowledge of language, which in schools is generally marginalized in relation to the literature. Examples of these topics are for example: language of sports commentators , disco kitsch or music, etc. These topics are more interesting because you have more room to maneuver when it comes to the presentation of the topic, eg: short fragments of football matches or disco songs. In addition, the analysis of these topics can confidently present their own opinion and successfully defend it on the basis of the collected material. However, issues related to the literature may be easier. Require only a knowledge of literature and fundamental question analysis skills. Deciding on the subjects of literature you have a chance , that the graduation writing in the Polish language will get a similar topic or theme based on the literature, we know very well the final award presentation.

second What's this topic about?

Many of your colleagues from the previous year committed simple mistake. selecting the final award presentation downplayed his part that contains the request to refer also to the art . If your topic is contained matriculation such a request is in addition to discuss the literature you have chosen to rely on, eg: painting, film, sculpture, music . And it turns out that many of you can not perform analysis and interpretation of these very works. It also draws attention to the fact that you have some restrictions that were imposed by the presentation. It often happens that you are asked for example: discuss the theme of women in literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This means that choosing the songs from the sixteenth or the eighteenth century commit error. So let's brought to the attention of the children are books in which you want to build. Another limitation (the same only differently named) is an example: Discuss the theme of suffering in the literature of romanticism and positivism. This means that deciding on Another World, or Lamentations Kochanowski not meet the criterion topic.
third Thesis fool!
next step in creating the final award presentation of the thesis is to determine . This thing that as it turns out makes the most trouble . What is the thesis? What do you want to work PROVE . Yes. Maybe now some of you got the message. Presentation of the final award is designed not only to demonstrate their knowledge on a subject, but most of all abilities ANALYSIS theme based on well-chosen material. You should demonstrate the ability to Putting thesis and its DEFENCE . A common mistake in creating a thesis topic is a repetition of the presentation - only that the other words. Select a topic: theme of love in literature, some form along the lines of argument: Different images of love, or the authors show the love of literature and love as a feeling is beautiful ... etc. None of these statements can not be called a proposition - rather, the apparent lack of putting skills. The thesis is aimed at clarifying chosen theme and focusing on one of its themes - in such a way as to prove that it can be for example: Poets reveal feelings of love as a beautiful, universal and steadfast through the ages. This is a very simple proposition. If you feel adventurous, you can always try something bolder.
4th Literature entity
90% of graduates choose first body of literature, and then argues. This is a great way to your presentation with butter was butter. It's like I built the first house, and only then wondered where to put it. Once you have the argument, and thus know what you want to prove to the presentation of a selection of literature subject (arguments) should not be a problem - maybe 3 years that movements omijaliƛcie reading a wide berth;)
5th Literature, and what is it?
Despite consultations and explanations by the teachers do not all understand how it differs from the literature of the subject literature. Literature entity (arguments) is a collection of books in which you work. Suppose that we have chosen the theme of love Romeo and Juliet, Nad Niemen, Giaour and doll - a literature subject. However, literature on the subject will all dictionaries, studies, surveys, periodicals and books to help you in the presentation of the theme and specific analysis given epoch, author or work of literature subject. These may be literary critics, the article was an interesting thread moving ... etc. But I would not advise posting in the literature and summaries of the songs pavements. It is known that each professor has their own tolerance limits, but much is very likely that as something wylecicie the door. : P
6th What's the plan?
Once you have bibliographies, and the argument can easily construct a plan to start . As for the plan is the best learn from the instructor (polonisty) how presentation of arguments prefers. Each school, and even a professor has a different "tolerance" in the creation plan. Personally, I adhere to before creating a plan, where each item shall be the point: an analysis and summary of the track (come from what we know differently to the professors look at the most negative). The plan for each piece of short points which should select and how you presented. To achieve a fair point 6, you already know (read) literature subject (and object) you are using.
7th Your biggest mistake!
If you have come to the point of 7 which means that almost half the work you already. Congratulations. At this stage, your colleagues, mostly committed a grave error . What? In many cases it happened that for those few minutes during which the student has provided the subject did not what was actually done! Well, instead of carry ANALYSIS topic PROVE PRESENTED thesis and arguments ... what doing? SUMMARY body of literature! And this is ERROR ERROR ERROR! well executed presentation of the final award requires careful selection material. If for example, is based on the song Puppet is not summarizing the fate turn Wokulskiego whether Isabella Lecka, because it does not belongs to you. First, because you do not have time to do it and, secondly, the Commission works very well aware of the content and if you want something about you learn to ask.

8th Diction Yyye

We stand before a committee of the Make a few attempts . Gather a few people and let each one in turn will submit its presentation, and then let everyone else it will assess what was and what a plus to minus. Such exercises will help you to better harnessing of work. But you will not read the paper work or study presentation word for word. It is important that you know how to extricate themselves from a situation where you embrace jitters, or if you forget something. Best to divide the presentation of already written in my head for a few threads.

9th A can multimedia presentation?
Yes. Multimedia presentation can enhance your work, and thus raise its level. Implementation of such a presentation is not difficult. Just a few slides, but remember that it is not subject to any multimedia presentation is needed. Mainly used for topics related to language and literature - which is selected to appeal to the art. You can then slides to present images or sculptures.

10th Where and how to search the literature?

This is one of the most frequent questions and woes of your colleagues. While the literature of the subject easy to find (with the school reading) of much harder to point. Item. Why? Because virtually Polish lessons of youth contact with the texts of literary critics, thematic articles, etc is zero. So how to deal with a tangle of "unknown"?

very good magazine, where you can find articles on a good level is a letter Fri "Polish Studies." At 99% you will find him in the municipal or school library. There is also a high probability that it subscribes to your Polish language. Ask also about any other game.

Another way of "more guerrilla" to look for in the library (before you on the Internet) books where the title is the name of the author of the item from the literature of the entity. The works of Mickiewicz, Slovak, Kochanowski, Konopnicka, Mrozek, and many others created if not thousands - hundreds of positions in which the authors analyze the various aspects of creativity - maybe just the theme that interests you? Just look at the table of contents ...

these "different" way to find a new situation is only tens of ... Think ..

11th Who's the Boss!
Remember that this Commission is for you, and ye are not for the Commission. That you have a few minutes for it to present the best side, and the Commission has meekly you hear;)

Need plan, bibliography, presentation? Write!

Contact: gg: 4386556, grupa.team6 @


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