Na razie nic nowego nie pokażę, bo robię kilka rzeczy na raz. Czytam Decoupage. All the techniques and it turns out that many things have not yet tried. I still think the combination of painting (not decorative) with decoupage, and used the occasion of the effects. I remembered that a few years ago, my original plan of painting the thesis laser-predicted move my computer graphics (montage, airbrushing) on \u200b\u200bcanvas and digital paintings complement to traditional painting. However, they quickly abandoned the idea due to technical reasons, but rather my ignorance on this topic, ah ...
I hope that my book will reach Making jewelry - see and learn , he ends up effort.
I had not to buy in the near future Articles of toys, but it's not so easy! Even when making purchases over the phone, eyes, imagination can not resist them: a lot of frames for photos and additional square mirror from Ikea, glue and varnish, new napkins, lots of flowers and ornaments. I got a picture before shipment, really captivated me, the stain of the sun.

I'm not going to show anything for now for I make a few things at once. I read 'Decoupage manuale completo' by Marisa Lupato and it seems that I haven't tried many techniques yet. I'm still thinking about the combination of painting (non-decorative) and decoupage and the painting effects used in it. I remembered that a few years ago my original concept of my diploma work in painting was based on transferring prints of my graphics onto canvas and completing this digital painting with traditional painting.
I hope that I'll get a book 'Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making & Beading' by Chris Franchetti Michaels because it's going to be out of print.
Recently I promise to myself not to Article buy toys but It Is not so easy at all! Even When shopping by phone (with a friend's help), the eyes of imagination can not resist Them. And They Are here: lots of wooden frames and the next square mirror from Ikea, decoupage glue and varnish, new serviettes, a lot of flowers and decorative Motives. I received a photo before sending off, this spot of sunlight really enchanted me.
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