origin of place names for your region.
and Literature subject:
1) Rymut Kazimierz, the names of Polish cities, Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo National Institute im. Ossolinski, 1980, ISBN 83-04-03650-9
2) Grzegorzek Peter Szymaszkiewicz Marek Chrzanów between Malopolska and Silesia, Chrzanów: Publisher Sideways, 2005, ISBN 83-89-67632-X
3) Sporoń Henry, In search of historical truth, London: Publisher 2005
4) Jastrzebski, Stanislaw, and around Sycamore, Wroclaw. Publisher National Institute im. Ossolinski, 1973, p. 1957-1964
II Literature course:
1) Bańkowski Andrew, Etymological Dictionary of Polish Language, New York: John Wiley & Sons SA, 2000, ISBN 83-01-13019-9, p. 51
2) Czacharowski Anthony, Historical Atlas of Polish towns, Toruń: Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 1995, ISBN 83-231-0664-9
3) Bruckner Alexander, Etymological Dictionary of the Polish language, New York: Common Knowledge, 1985, ISBN 83-214-0410-3, p. 202
4)-Kurczabowa Chris Dlugosz, New Etymology Dictionary Polish language, Warsaw: OWN SA, 2003, ISBN 83-01-14361-4
III Framework for expression:
1) Thesis:
a) clarify the concept of 'etymology'
b) with different functions in the knowledge of history, etymology words
2) The order of presentation of arguments:
a) the etymology of the city of Wroclaw
b) Wroclaw in the botanical sense and in the dialect
c) Wroclaw as antroponim nicknames
d) the etymology of the city of Kobierzyce
e) the etymology of the city Biestrzyków
f) the etymology of the city Radomierzyce
g) borrowings zj TeX Old Upper German
3) Conclusion:
a) Teaching and cognitive function etymology
b) the mysterious meaning-stimulus to explore the history
c) changes the meaning of words over time
IV Resources:
a) the card with photos
to discuss the names of places was selected village near Wroclaw Wroclaw and villages Biestrzyków, Kobierzyce Radomierzyce.
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