Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Types Of Schizophrenia Math

suicide theme in the literature.

I. Literature entity:
first Johann Wolfgang Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Wertnera, Kraków: Zielona Sowa Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7623-046-7
second Adam Mickiewicz, Forefathers' Eve IV [online], available 09/08/2010, available on the internet:
http://lektury.nauka.pl/index.php/id=index/dept=76/cath=0/lekt_id = 12/lekt_rozd = 232/lekt_str = 0
third Slovak Julius Kordian, New York: The issue of G & P, 2008, ISBN 83-87368-99-7
4th Adam Mickiewicz, Konrad Wallenrod Cracow: Cracow edition, 2006, ISBN 83-7327-168-6

II. Literature:
first Chwin Stefan, Suicide as an experience of the imagination, New York: Edition Title, 2010 p. 228-235, ISBN 978-83-89859-04-4
second Stukan Jaroslaw, Toxic psychology and psychiatry. Depression and suicide, New York: Prometheus, 2010, p. 14-23, ISBN 978-83-915222-5-7
third Michałowska Teresa, Gertrude Ego. Historical Study - literary, Warsaw: OWN Edition, 2006, p. 112-117, ISBN 83-01-13531-X

III. The framework plan first speech
a) to clarify and bring the theme of suicide
second common reasons for suicide literary
a) Immense suffering Wertnera after the rejection of his love for a loved one reason for the hero of suicide by a gunshot to the head.
b) Death by suicide desperate Gustav, whose love was not reciprocated Marylka.
c) Death of a friend, and then feelings of rejection by Laura Kordian result of his suicide attempt.
d) Consumption of fatal attempt to save the sawdust knightly honor by Konrad Wallenrod.
Applications - significance of suicide and its reasons in the real world and literary
- mysterious meaning the key to learning the history of

IV. Postcard from citations

Full title: Landscape of suicide in literature. Present selected examples from different eras. Jobs
also known under the title: Theme suicide and its functions in the literature


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